The UNARTIGEN will be back on
FEBRUARY 22, 2025
so go on, start planning that super cool, avant-garde baroque costume now...

Pssst! Adrienne Egger Contemporary Art & BMW Grasmann on the way to the party you should not miss.
Mit an Board? Nannerl. Geheimnisvoll, aufregend schön, lebenshungrig und voller Power.
Driven by this spirit we proudly present: UNARTIG - Avantgarde Baroque Ball im Mozarthaus St. Gilgen wo mit zeitgenössischer Kunst, Tanz und Musik die Freude am Feiern neu geschrieben wird.
Art Exhibition with paintings by Adrienne Egger
Laudatio from ORF Council Board Member (Culture) Ing. Johann Baumgartner MAS
Classical Duette from Violinist Laura Gfrerer & Cellist Marlies Wiederstein
Crémant Aperitive
Flying Buffet (light finger food) by Café Nannerl
Solo Dance Performance by Gloria Cavet
Group Dance Performance by the Performanceklasse Musisches Gymnasium Salzburg
DJ Troy Savoy with contemporary live performances by Laura Gfrerer (Violin) & Marlies Wiederstein (Cello)
Craft Cocktails and Wine Bar by Café Nannerl
BMW Lounge
UNARTIG Selfie Box
Photos © Wolfgang Jocher, Wolfgang Schweighofer, Foto Günther
with UNARTIG Ball organiser and artist
Adrienne Egger
What is the UNARTIG Avantgarde Baroque Ball?
The Unartig Avantgarde Baroque Ball is a unique event that combines art, music, and dance within a baroque framework. It features an art salon showcasing my oil paintings and guest artists, followed by a party with a DJ and bar, all in an avant-garde baroque style.
What role does art play at the ball?
Art is at the very heart of and plays a central role at the ball, inspiring creativity and fostering communication among guests. The diverse artistic performances in the art salon and during the party forms a unique atmosphere that encourages visitors to express their thoughts and feelings in creative ways. The works of art I exhibit in the salon do not serve as simple aesthetic enrichment, but rather as a mirror reflecting complex personal, social, and cultural themes in an accessible and inspiring manner. During the party, guests are captivated by the artistic performances of the DJ, dancers, and live musicians, contributing to a dynamic and inspiring experience. In short, art at the Unartig Avantgarde Baroque Ball creates a vibrant and welcoming but also elevated atmosphere, pushing the boundaries of creativity and fostering deeper connections.
Why the Baroque theme and the choice of the Mozarthaus as the venue?
The Baroque theme reflects the cultural heritage of Europe and allows us to reinterpret these influences. It is a homage to the past while also being an expression of creativity and freedom. The Mozarthaus, once the home of Nannerl herself, provides a historical atmosphere that perfectly complements the baroque style of the event. This connection to the past adds an additional dimension to the event and enables us to reinterpret historical influences and give them a modern, avant-garde twist.
What does being UNARTIG (or naughty) mean to you?
For me, being naughty means, first and foremost, freedom. It's about breaking new ground, crossing boundaries and asking "what exactly ought not be and why?" Artists need this freedom because the definition of creativity lies in the creation of something new. Art and creativity are important for our society and economy because they promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills are critical in a rapidly changing world where innovation and adaptability are increasingly crucial. As a society, it is absolutely important to support and promote the arts and culture industry. Art is an essential component of a society's cultural identity and diversity. It contributes to the preservation and celebration of various traditions, customs, and perspectives, while also enhancing awareness of the diversity of human experience. It is also an important economic sector that not only contributes to the creation of jobs, but also makes a significant contribution to the economic development and attractiveness of our town, city and region.
Who contributed to making this event a success?
Art needs and relies on strong economic partners. I am therefore very grateful for the indispensable support from BMW Grasmann, Merkur Versicherung, Holzbau Hausjell, Kate & Kon and Wuchs. The Mozarthaus team, led by Constanze Passin, as well as the catering/bar at Café Nannerl (Michi Weiß) have supported and help realise this vision since the first year.
Details & Information
Everything you need to know (per 2024)
If walls could talk
…then the historically steeped walls of Nannerl’s Mozarthaus in St Gilgen would have quite a bit to say. And the UNARTIG Avantgarde Baroque Ball, with its host of contemporary art, dance and music performances, is the enchanted lover’s kiss bringing Nannerl’s salon to life.
Guest speaker Ing. Johann Baumgartner, MAS, ORF Council Board Member (Culture), will open the exhibition of current work by internationally recognised artist Adrienne Egger. Artisan craft cocktails & flying buffet from Café Nannerl, beats by the Salzburg legend DJ Troy Savoy, together with your avant-garde baroque fancy dress, all unite in an experience to make Wolferl himself smile.
DATE: Information and line-up from 2024
St Gilgen am Wolfgangsee
Exhibition Opening by ORF Council Board Member (Culture) Ing. Johann Baumgartner MAS
DJ Troy Savoy
Flying Buffet & Cocktails from Café Nannerl
Contemporary Violin, Cello & Dance
Best-Dressed Avantgarde Baroque Wins
DATE: 2025 TBA
St Gilgen am Wolfgangsee
Nur die unartigsten Künstler*innen dürfen mit...
Mitwirkende Künstler*innen vom UNARTIG 2024
Ein Projekt wie dieses ist erst möglich, wenn gleich verrückt Denkende sich finden...