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Mindfulness & flow unite to form the sweet spot known as MINDFLOW.

Through guided painting exercises you will be fully in the moment while activating your creativity and bringing your favorite snapshot to life on the canvas. 

So much of our mental capacity is preoccupied with dealing with (or suppressing) the past and worrying about the future that we very often forget to be present in the time being. Have you ever done something, like driving the car, only to realize afterward that you have no recollection of doing it? That you were “completely someplace else” at the time? To be consciously aware of our thoughts and current actions requires a level of stillness and calm that can be difficult to find in today’s world, which competes at all times and at every level for our attention, time, effort and money. At the same time, we have a great deal we would like to accomplish in life. We can't just spend all day meditating and watching ourselves from the outside in. Where's the balance? 


Flow is that happy place where we function with full concentration and power. It is a term psychologists use to refer to a state of total absorption, of being fully engrossed in a task to the point of losing all track of time and everything else around you, of great contentment and personal satisfaction. We are getting stuff done and feeling fantastic, having fully activated a region neuroscientists refer to as the task-positive network (TPN). Then we look up and realize the dishes and laundry are completely heaped up, we are an hour late for the rest of the day’s commitments and have entirely forgotten to drink or eat. 


And mindfulness? Mindfulness is a heightened, non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts and emotions. It is living in the moment in a state of active, open, intentional attention to the present. Harvard and just about everyone else will tell you how important mindfulness is for mental and physical health, having scientifically been found to be a key element in stress reduction and overall happiness. Neuroscientists have discovered something Eastern traditions have known for some time: there is a place in our brain, located between our eyebrows, that is constantly at work and referred to as the default mode network (DMN). Our experiences, perceptions of ourselves and memories run back there amongst a lot of other things. In this hyper-busy world, this state is running unmonitored and at full speed, resulting in stress, poor health and all the other typical negative symptoms we want to avoid.  When left unchecked, our mind tends to wander which results 80% of the time in worrying and ruminating on negative experiences. So, self-awareness is really calming and great, but just as the state of flow can run the danger of becoming a tunnel, we must be careful not to let mindfulness keep us stuck on the sidelines as inactive spectators of our own lives. 

This is where creativity comes back in. Working creatively in a focussed way on a task—such as a day spent painting in this workshop—quiets the busy DMN while activating the TPN.  It helps to unify mindfulness and flow to achieve the sweet spot known as mindflow. Our brain has a yin-yang if you will, of focussed and mind-wandering states. Both states are important, but neither should be overbearing. Practicing a task-oriented state of mindfulness achieves a homeostasis in our brain activity that lets us engage fully in the present without stress and hyper self-criticism while maintaining an awareness of ourselves and environment. 


We will put the theory of mindflow into action in this workshop. Painting and focussing at what we see  with an enhanced sense of awareness brings us fully into the present moment. A guided exercise of the fundamentals of painting including active observation, perspective, setting up a palette, mixing colors, shades and hues, brushwork and composition serves as preparation before embarking on the adventure of bringing your favorite snapshot—a moment to be held forever—to life on the canvas.


The workshop fee includes all material costs. Suitable for all levels of expertise, from beginner to professional, we will paint on canvas using water-soluble oil paints, which provides the long working time of oil combined with a faster drier rate and no toxic fumes. 


We strive for happiness, peace, freedom and joy—but where are they to be found? They are only found in the balanced present tense—in this moment. Right. Now. This very moment, which is your life. I hope you will join me on a journey to the state of mindflow and that you will be able to apply the knowledge and experience gained through this workshop into your daily lifework. 


AGE 16+


To prepare for this workshop, please fill out the worksheet which will be sent to you after registration has been completed.  The worksheet has a set of questions for you to answer to help with the conceptualisation of your piece. You also have the assignment of finding a snapshot of a moment that moves you in some way. Due to the limited time we have together, we will be painting in an expressionistic & impressionistic style, with large, gestural brushwork. With these steps taken in advance, we are able to maximise the time we have together in front of the easel, for the creation of your work.

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  • a photo of a snapshot that moves you in some way, printed out approx. A5

  • the same photo as a digital file on your smart phone or tablet

  • to have completed the worksheet as preparation for the conceptualisation of your artwork

  • a smock and clothes you don't mind if paint gets onto

  • courage

  • an open and relaxed mind!

  • ein Bild von dir selbst, wie du dich siehst, oder wie du sein möchtest. Ausgedruckt, ca. A5

  • dasselbe Bild als digitale Datei auf deinem Handy oder Tablet

  • den ausgefüllten Fragebogen mit deinem Konzept, den du nach deiner Registrierung für den Workshop zugesendet bekommen hast

  • einen Malerkittel und/oder Kleidung, die dreckig werden darf

  • Mut

  • eine offene und entspannte Einstellung!

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“Eigentlich geht es gar nicht ums malen, sondern um Mut. Adrienne hat ein riesen Talent, aus jedem Menschen sein Potential hervorzuheben. Ein Tag mit tollen Menschen, einer mega Künstlerin und ein Flow-Erlebnis inklusive.​


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Workshop Gift Certificates

The 1-day workshops are the perfect gift for just about anyone and any occasion. For loved ones, friends, colleagues, for Christmas, birthday, anniversaries, retirement, a special date.... and even better when booked as a unique experience to be enjoyed together!

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Visit me in the studio by appointment in St. Gilgen on Lake Wolfgang, Land Salzburg (Austria).



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